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Perfect Homestyle Pizza Dough

According to history, the earliest bread was made in or around 8000 BC in the Middle East, specifically Egypt. Dough preparing are of two types :
(i) Straight Dough Method
(ii)Sponge Method.

The quern was the first known grinding tool. Grain was crushed and the bakers produced what we now commonly recognize in its closest form as chapatis(India) or tortilla(Mexico).

I made the dough by various combinations of flour and yeast, yeast to water ratio. This recipe made a good pizza base. You can make some other recipes. Post your's recipe.

Serving : 4 people              Cuisine : Italian

Ingredients for dough :

1. Finely grind all-purpose flour(Maida) - 2 1/2 cup
2. Whole wheat flour(Atta) -1/3 cup
3. Instant or active dry yeast - 2 tsp
4. Salt - 1 tsp
5. Warm Water - 1 n 1/4 cups
6. Refined/olive oil - 2 tbsp
7. Warm Milk - 2 tbsp

Procedure for making Pizza dough :

1. Activate 2 tsp yeast with 1 cup of warm water and a pinch of sugar for 6-10 mins. If you see it bubbling, the yeast is activated.
TIPS: First dissolve sugar in warm water by stirring, then add yeast.

Knead pizza base at home with instant yeast

2. Then, use it for this recipe.
Fold in 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour to yeast water. With the help of wire whisk/food processor, beat this mixture, or beat it with a spatula/spoon initially, followed by your hands. Make sure there is no lumps.
You can add pressed/crushed garlic to the dough in this step according to the recipe.

How to make pizza base with garlic essence

3. Now, combine 2 tbsp of oil, 1/2 tsp salt and 2 cups of all-purpose flour. Knead for another 10 mins. You can add chopped coriander leaves, oregano and mixed herbs (anything for seasoning dough) in this step. Mix well and add these dry ingredients to the previous dough. Check that no lumps are formed.
# Mix the flour in small amounts as instructed, part by part.

4. Add 2 tbsp warm milk and knead the dough on a floured surface. Mix more warm water if required. Make sure no lumps remain till kneading.

5. Knead with another 1/3 cup of whole wheat flour(optional). Knead properly with hands till dough is smooth, little stretchy and elastic. Punch the dough i.e press your fist in the middle of dough and take it straight up.
#Don't twist your fist in the dough. Punching redistributes yeast to reach to it's food and also equilizes temperature. 

# Knead the dough by pushing with the base of your palm for 10 mins. If the dough is sticky add little flour.

6. After kneading cut the dough to 4 equal pieces. Stretch it from the top of the shapeless dough, tuck it downwards, using both hands to give a smooth ball shape.

how to make homemade pizza base recipe

7. Sprinkle some flour on plate. Set the dough on this floured top. Brush the dough with some oil on top to keep it moist.

8. Cover the dough with damp cloth/food packaging plastic and allow them to rise and it will double its size in 60 mins (minimum time). Before u use the dough, dust flour, place the dough, dust little flour on the dough and punch it for 2 mins.
The more time you will give the dough to rest, the more it will rise in size.

Tips: This dough can be used immediately, but for best noticebly nutty unique flavour, store it in refrigerator for another 1-2 days. It will get fermented naturally and rise in shape, more fluffy, pillowish.☺
#On the day of serving, take out the dough-balls from container. Sprinkle little flour on a flat dish and place the dough-balls, cover it with dry towel for 30-45 mins. Before stretching, allow it to come to room temperature.

9. For pizza dough

How to make pizza base?

To stretch it, put some oil on baking tray. Place the 'double-me' ball at the center of tray. (Just calling it names☺). Flaten it with a gentle press of your palm. Measure your desirable thickness, leave an 1 inch from the edges and press it. Stretch it gently on circular sides with fingers till it reaches the tray edge. 
Or, Keep this flat dough on your knuckles and gently stretch it in all sides with care. It will stretch itself under gravity pull, from an 8 inch circle to an 12 inch diametered circle.

'Rotate it on knuckles, stretch it with chuckles'.

TIPS: Avoid to pull and tear the dough. If the dough resists stretching set it down for 1 min, the gluten will relax allow you to do next stretch. It will take time to be perfect, so practice.
# Never roll the dough until given in recipe.
Prick the flat bread with fork by pressing gently. Spread sauce and toppings according to recipe. Preheat oven at 180-200 o'celsius and bake it for 7-10 mins according to recipe.

Don't forget to share your thoughts if you liked it or not, and also your own innovative style in the comment section. Spread happiness.

For more quick recipes, tune in to my blog .☺❤Go & Try it now !!!

© Copyright 2020, AahareBahare. All Rights Reserved

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.


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